Modern Treatments For Hair Restoration

Non-surgical hair transplant near me typically referred to limited therapies like laser light, nutrient supplements, and most commonly PRP. Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is drawn from your own blood, separated out and re-injected into your scalp. The plasma contains growth factors that can heal damaged hair follicles and promoting growth. The most common areas injected are where the hair is thinning or demonstrating small patches of hair loss.

Exosomes represent the next generation of regenerative medicine. Exosomes contain highly-concentrated purified growth elements derived from mesenchymal stem cells. The concentration can be purchased from a specialty pharmacy, which makes it uniquely different than PRP. Exosomes contain potent signals for stimulating hair follicle growth and utilizes RNA technology.

Costs of Treatment

Costs for PRP treatment is considerably lower than exosomes. PRP is drawn from your own blood and re-injected. In contrast, exosomes are a novel product produced in specialty labs. The cost of a typical exosome treatment is $2500-$5000 depending on the amount indicated.


Exosomes have become increasingly popular in the past year due to the increased potency and effectiveness with early hair loss. Exosomes can also be beneficial in alopecia areata (patchy hair loss). Deciding between PRP and exosomes is often driven by cost considerations. Patients considering initial treatment may opt for PRP to evaluate effectiveness before considering more higher end techniques like exosomes or hair transplant.

For further consideration, please consult with a hair restoration expert.