Can Hair Transplant Fail

A failed hair transplant is the single most important worry potential hair transplant patients have prior to treatment. Avoiding a poor result depends on finding a trusted hair transplant doctor NJ.

Hair transplant continues to become more popular among both men and women as the technology has become less invasive. Utilizing scar free techniques, hair restoration with FUE (follicular unit extraction) can restore natural hair lines and

This blog will help inform potential hair transplant candidates on the common causes of hair transplant failures and how to minimize those risks.

When Can A Hair Transplant Fail?
Despite the exponential growth in technology with hair transplant, the actual procedure still requires the skill of a board-certified surgeon. There is a much greater likelihood of treatment failure with inexperienced practitioners.

Pre procedure, the consultation should focus on whether the patient is a good candidate. This will depend on age, gender, hair loss classification, and detailed history and physical examination of the donor sites.

Inexperienced surgeons can contribute to poor outcomes resulting from:

  • Transected due to poor harvesting technique
  • Undergo stress reactions related to rough handling
  • Can be left outside the body for too long
  • Can dry out if not in the right storage solution,
  • Can be improperly implanted into the grafting areas.


After your transplant, poor aftercare can also result in damage to the recipient sites. This can occur secondary to:

  • Rough handling of grafting areas during showers
  • Excessive scratching of the implant site
  • Increased sun exposure
  • Certain medications

Most hair transplants performed at experienced Cherry Hill hair restoration clinics achieve desired results with permanency. Better outcomes are associated with increased experience and the proper training background to perform this surgical procedure.