Is Hair Transplant Painful?

Hair transplant is a minimally-invasive procedure utilizing the incredible technique of follicular unit extraction or FUE hair transplant near me. The advantages of the revolutionary technique are multiple including minimal downtime, no incisions, and natural restoration of hair loss using transplanted follicles from your own head. However, it is still a surgical procedure and the skill and proficiency of your transplant center is paramount to securing safe and effective results. A patient's experience is also affected by the quality of the treatment center, particularly when it comes to being at ease. And while pain is quite subjective, it’s important to follow safe protocols to make the procedure both safe and as pain-free as possible.


How Is Hair Transplant Performed

The 2 most well known treatments for hair loss are follicular unit transplant (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUE represents a minimally invasive technique and has become the standard of most high end clinics.

FUT hair transplant (follicular unit transplant) which is slightly more invasive and requires additional healing time. There is a strip of hair removed from the back of the head and subsequently hair follicles are extracted and re-implanted into the recipient regions. The strip area is suture closed and often is associated with a linear scar.

FUE hair transplant (follicular unit extraction) requires that individual hair follicles are grafted in patented manner such as NeoGraft and re-implanted into the desired areas. This procedure does not require any significant incisions and thus there is less healing and little risk for scarring.

Preparation of both the donor and recipient sites requires local anesthetic solution (lidocaine, novocaine, and tumescence). The patient does remain awake during the procedure which can last 4-6 hours depending on the amount of grafting. FUT is a quicker procedure as there is less meticulous detail to individually grafting hair follicles. In either case, local anesthetic is preferred and pain should be minimal. The local anesthetic can also be amplified using tumescence solution (mixture of saline, anesthetic, and sometimes epinephrine) to cover larger amounts of territory. Deep sedation or general anesthesia is not recommended for hair transplant.


Post-procedure healing

As with any surgical procedure, there is a period of healing and due diligence with after-care instructions provided by the clinic. Strict adherence will maximize your results. Nonetheless, as the numbing medication wears off, there can be a mild pain related to swelling at the transplant sites. The pain is generally well-managed with mild pain killers and wears off over the course of 24-48 hours.

The difference at the Best Hair Transplant Doctors

Having successful outcomes and a pleasant experience for the best hair restoration near me demands a precise understanding of both anatomy and bio-effects of anesthetic medications. With this information, the surgeon and his team can perform a precise procedure in an efficient manner. For this reason alone, It is important to choose a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon.

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